The life of Steve Jobs! Should know about an extraordinary life story.

The life of Steve Jobs! Should know about an extraordinary life story

I will share a writing with everyone today. This lesson was written as a statement which was presented at the convocation of Stanford University students, which is known as the best universities in the world to highly respected. The statement is quite old. But listening to my life is the most attractive and encouraging statement. So, I want to share with everyone. Steve Jobs gave this statement Who is the founder and CEO of the two best companies, Apple and Pixar Animation. The English version of the article speaking on June 12, 2005, is from Stanford University's website.

The life of Steve Jobs! Should know about an extraordinary life story

Such a difficult time in the speaker's life, the time and duration of difficult times are not in our life. But there are many kinds of calamities and desires of success in our lives. And so everyone thinks it is necessary to read this lesson, I will assure that it will be inspired and inspired.


"The first thing to say is true"

I have never graduated from university. So I did not even need to attend any convocation. Even more, I am hoping for the traditional convention of the university today. So to attend a Convocation Festival of the best universities in the world to highly respected themselves. I am not talking about anything today, I will tell you just three stories. Nothing beyond that.


"The story of my first story is tied to a different point"

In the six months of admission, I interacted with Reed College. Although there was still two and a half years, I did not want to take it for study. Well, why did I leave the university?

It started before my birth. My real mother was an unmarried young woman. He was then studying at the university. It is not possible for me to take charge of my maintenance. They decided, to adopt any person who holds a university degree for me. The decision was taken by a lawyer and his wife would adopt me. But in the last moment, it was found that none of these pairs was a university degree, especially the lawyer gentleman could never cross high school borders. My mother does not agree to the papers to sign. After many incidents, the couple promised that they would definitely teach me in the university, then the mother's mind went a little bit. He signed me on paper and handed me over to them.

17 years after the event He actually admitted me to university. But I decided to become a fool, a university whose study cost is almost like Stanford. The money for all my poor parents was behind my education. In six months I realized that it does not mean anything. I have no information about what I want to do in life, and I do not even understand how university studies will help in this regard. But I have spent all the money on my parents' whole life for this meaningless education. So I decided to leave the university and thought that it would be all right.

Though the decision sounds awful but now when I look back, it seems that it was one of the best decisions in my life. Immediately after leaving the university, I was able to stop my deprived courses, but I had no obligation, I started looking for my interest.

The whole thing can not be said romantic anyhow. Because I did not have the room, my friends were sleeping on the floor of the room. Returning the bottle of used coke, I used to earn five cents, with whom to buy food. Every Sunday night, I used to walk a distance of seven miles in the Harikekrishna temple just to eat a good meal. I really like this good connection was important.

At that time Reed College was taught the best calligraphy in the country. Everything on the campus was done with a stylized tuner with an excellent handwriting. Since I was not in the general course, so if I want I can take a course. I was admitted to the Caligraphy Course. Learned to reduce the space between different letters of serif and san serif, we learned how to do good typography. It was a really beautiful, historical, art outside the borders of science. I enjoyed it.

This calligraphy thing will never come into my life in real life-never thought. But after 10 years, when we design our first Macintosh computer (which we know as Mac), its whole thing is useful to me. It was the first computer, which had excellent typography. If I did not take that calligraphy course, then there would be no typeface and proportional distance in the Mac computer. And since Windows has copied this font directly to the Mac, it can be said that there were no such fonts on any computer. If I have not left the university, then I would never be in the Calligraphy course, and the computer never has such a beautiful font. While living in the university, it was impossible to disrupt these different incidents, but after 10 years, this was a very clear point.

You will never be able to tie different events in a yard after seeing it in the future. Looking back is only possible. Therefore, you have to believe that different incidents will become a meaningful thing once again in the future. You have to rely on your destiny, life, work, something or something. It never failed me, but rather did the opposite.


"The story of love and loss of my second story"

 I was very lucky. Because, at the beginning of my life, I found what I like to do.
When I was 20, both me and I started an apple company in our home garage. We worked hard, so the company of two companies changed into four billion employees of $ 2 billion in 10 years. When I was 30 years old, we left my best computer Macintosh on the market. Just a year later. I was fired from the apple How does the company with which you have been in that company? Although funny, it happened in my case. When Apple grew up as an organization, I employed a company to run the company that will work with me. A year later, I started disagreed with him. After the company's board of directors, I was expelled from Apple. And he was beaten with very bitterness. You know how frustrating it was for me. I do not care about those things which I am pursuing whole life.

In fact, I was in a very disappointing situation for the next few months. I met David Packard and Bob Noise and apologized for the whole thing. Everyone knew me so I could not take this pressure now. I thought we had to run away from the valley. But the second thing I realized was that I liked what I was doing most. Due to job loss, my love for work has not diminished. So I decided to start from the very beginning.

At first, I did not realize it, but later it came to know that the lack of job from Apple was the best thing in my life. I have become a lot of relief, there is no pressure, there is no need to think about the strategy being successful. I entered the most creative part of my life.

Both NeXT and Pixar have been nominated in the next five years, I have started, and I am a wonderful woman, which they later got married to. From Pixar, we made the world's first computer animation photo toy story. And now everyone knows Pixar. And now everyone knows Pixar. The world's most successful animation studio Then there are some amazing facts. Apple bought the next and I came back to the apple. And Lorraine continues to live with my wonderful family life.
I am absolutely sure that nothing happens to them, unless I have been fired from the apple.
It was very bad and bitter for me but it was a useful medicine. Sometimes life will attack you on brick, but do not lose faith. I am convinced that the thing that took me forward was that I liked what I was doing.

You should get the love of your love, just as you find your loved one. Your work is a big part of your life, so that the only way to truly be satisfied with life, work, that your thinking about doing, this is a great job. When you love your work then any other work will be great. If you have not got your love working yet, then look. Do not be forever. When your love is found, your brain will tell you. Like any good relationship, no matter how much work you do, you will have time, it will be better. So long as you do not work on love, look at it. Do not make yourself permanent at any other place.


"The subject of my last story is death"

Whenever the answer to this question was 'no' for a few days, I knew that I had to change something. I have to leave the world one day, keeping in mind this matter has helped me make big decisions in life. Almost everything, all the expectations, because of all the pride, all failure is not all of a sudden death, only that remains which is really important. You have to lose something - I know, the easiest way to eliminate this idea is to always remember that one day you will die. You are open as an open book. So why do not you go like this, the way your brain tells you to go?

About a year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. According to doctors, there is no way to get rid of it. Almost certainly, due to this cancer, they tied me up to three to six months. Advice to go home Which means straightforward, go home and prepare for death. Manage things in such a way that it is less painful for the family as much as possible.

After all, I had a biopsy in the evening. They dropped an endoscope through my throat and went inside the stomach and brought some cells with a needle from the tumor. I did not know anything because I was unconscious. But later my wife told me that when doctors started testing the cells found from endoscopy under the microscope, they started crying. Because, as my condition is now, it is possible to treat through surgery. I got surgery and see, now I am healthy.

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die early enough to go there. But death is our destination. Nobody has survived so far. That's what he likes to be. Because death is probably one of the main discoveries of life. This is the life-changing agent. Death surprised the old man and gave it a place for a new baby. You are new at this moment, but not too long, the day you grow old and you will be shocked. Sorry for my very erotic, but this is true. Your time is limited. Therefore, coming into the trap of any ideology, that is, trap someone's thinking and do not waste time by staying in someone else's life.

Those people who want to live your life, do not follow the principles of others, but they are in their own way. Do not suppress your inner voice with others. And most importantly, keep your mind and confidence with yourself. They know what they already are, what you really want to be. Apart from this, everything else is very nominal.

When I was young, a great magazine called Hole Earth Catalog was published; It was the generation of our Bible, it was a boy named Stewart Brand. He made the magazine alive with his poem.

Stuart and his team published several newspapers. In the mid-seventies, when I was around my age, the last issue of the magazine was published. The last page of the outgoing was on a morning photo. It was written - Be hungry, be stupid. It was his departure message- "Stay Hungry, Be Foolish".I always tried to follow it with myself. Today, when you are leaving the university limits, you are entering a big, new life, I urge you to follow it.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Thank you very much for all of you.


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