Let's learn about the secrets of human creation! First life on Earth.

Let's learn about the secrets of human creation! First life on Earth.

We do not know how unknown to us in this universe. It is amazing to think that Allah Almighty has made us so much. Let's try today to know the secret of human creation.

Let's learn about the secrets of human creation! First life on Earth.


DNA is a physical molecule or particle in the universe. We often see news headlines about DNA in newspapers. But many people are not afraid to know what DNA is. But from head to toe, our bodies are everywhere, DNA is a common practice. Have you ever questioned yourself how we got our nose, eyes, ears, fingers and other organisms? How did DNA bring them? To know the answer to this question, we should first know some simple information about DNA.

DNA is the abbreviation of the genetic code. This is a material like the follower of chemical information. Its position in our cell or cell nucleus. Creating DNA with a nucleic acid called micro-particles or molecules These small molecules of our DNA are arranged in a specific manner, such as they are arranged in sentences, one letter after the other. The adjacent rope or ribbon of nucleic acid tells our body how everything will be made, our nose, eyes, hands, legs etc.

If our DNA did not have a related ribbon, then all this would not have happened. There is no rule in science or chemistry that nucleic acids remain in compliance with specific conformations or sequences. Any type of nucleic acid can be tied to any type of nucleic acid. In the sequence of DNA, there is a pre-existing nucleic acid to do this, in which the sequence contains the presence of neonucleic acid.

When new cells are produced in our body, then the old cells indicate the formation of new cells in DNA DNA. Even in the simplest organisms, DNA nucleic acids are in random order. As soon as a monkey is placed on a computer keyboard, like pressing the key randomly, Anyone can show that DNA suddenly came into being. DNA is needed to obtain DNA. In other words, for the preparation of more DNA, however, DNA should already be available. Yes, it is true that DNA that produces a particular molecule can be born suddenly.

But it was never possible to show that these molecules forming DNA are not present all of a sudden, and molecules also do not come along. This DNA is a genetic code. If humans can use genetic code meaningfully using genetic code of genetic engineering, they can tell us about the origin of the genetic code. Our noses, eyes, ears, brain, all other tissues, organs and structures created by objects in our body. New cells are dying in our body. The body that we use to give new cells comes from our food. Food does not produce energy or energy. The main power is to create new cells in the body. A cell produces several new cells of the same size. And the only way to do this is to use the ingredients from food.

When we begin to grow in the mother's stomach, it starts with a weight of less than one weighing cell. After this, our arms, hands, feet, legs, brain, gird, lungs, liver, pillows are made until we get the full size of the body. This work is done through the development of several cells from a cell. But from one cell to billions of celluloid cells, where the size of the new cell resembles the initial cell. Initially, where the weight of the body was less than one ounce, full people are heavier than them. The new cell comes from pregnant mothers who eat.

After digestion of food, it was broken by some basic amino acids. Different amino acids then sit together in a new sequence of various tissues [membrane] or organ [emotional organ]. The DNA sequence determines the sequence of this amino acid. Even after all our sensory organs are fully formed, the body dies. These dead cells revolve with neonatal cells. And food is the catalyst for the formation of this new cell. So when you feed your dog to the dog, your dog's DNA ensures that it digests fish or meat of fish and helps break it into parts of the dog's body. But when you eat your own stick, your DNA digests it and ensures the reconstruction of the human body.


DNA Example:

In a chicken egg DNA, the sequence of molecules in the form of chicken eggs becomes a diet of dark little cubes. DNA sequence is different from one person to another. DNA is different from one species to another species. To understand this, think about the library, that all books in the library are similar languages. But different books on different topics All books have the same alphabet. But the letters are arranged in different books in different order. This sequence is a book that is different from the other. That is why we can separate a novel from the science book.


Cells of Bodies:

Even so, one of the interesting things in biology is that apart from reproduction cells, all the cells in our bodies have complete information throughout the body. However, all your DNA data are not released or displayed. It can be mentioned in the example, your hair is full of genetic information in your eyes, brain, kidneys, skin and other sensory organs. Nevertheless, hair cells are only allowed to release genetic information of the hair. The rest of the information is published and circulated. Of course, it is good for us that our body cells have been made in such a way. Otherwise, our body would be biological or biological chess. Many of our bodies are still unsafe. Modern science has not yet reached.

But the more we know about our cells, the more I am amazed about my work and the producer. I think DNA is a wonderful creation! When scientists experiment with genes, they examine various parts of the DNA molecule. The goal of 'Human Genome Project' is to find out where different genes are located in DNA. Only by this method can we begin to understand the problem of genital problems. Defective gene mutation comes through the mutation is a sudden change in the sequence of genetic code. Such changes are due to radiation or other environmental factors.

Since these are genetic code accidents, almost all mutations are harmful. Even if there is a good mutation, even if it is good for mutation, hundreds of harmful effects are not harmful to any species. Naturists believe that the new genes of new species will create a new type of mutation and natural selection will be built for long periods. There is no evidence that this would be due to accidental changes in the genetic code. Since it is impossible that due to a novel incorrect printing, the characters will be shuffled, it will take the form of science. At least this way, different species of animals can have different species. But completely new creatures will not be born, nor is it necessary. Since human hair changes, other types of hair can be born. However, there is no possibility that this hair change will change in feathers or anything else.

Almost all types of biological variables are behind new genetic modification of existing genes, not mutations. We are seeing honest mutation, it is harmful. There are very few mutations that are not harmful. These do not increase in genetic complexity.

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