How To Protect Your Personal Information On Facebook

Maintaining online life securities is a hassle, but it is an intelligent task to follow the exact sequence of securities. Our online information is also often stolen due to a small or big hack. Facebook is the largest social site or social network. And you already know that recently a data leak scandal has happened on Facebook. But you know this scandal is not a routine hacking work. In 2014, a person began to collect data from Facebook by introducing himself as a research, which was perfect in the Facebook policy of the then That person gives millions of data and information from Facebook to an IT elite firm, Cambridge Analytica. After receiving the news, Facebook asked Cambridge Analytica to destroy data and information, and Cambridge said that they deleted the data. But there are still rumors that the data and information are near the Cambridge. This is going on in the world for the last few months. You will see it with the different news.
How To Protect Your Personal Information On Facebook

This is not a new thing, because big tech companies use your personal information in the right place to earn a lot of money. Sometimes it is either in a lawful way and sometimes it is unlawful. You do not want to have your personal political-supported party's information from Facebook to the opposite party! So on April 19th, according to Facebook's new privacy settings, you have secured your Facebook account? If not, then this article is for you today. So let's see how your personal data sharing in accordance with Facebook's new policy will prevent other organizations including Facebook:


Protecting Your Information

You will see this message first in your Facebook account after the first login after April 19 in your Facebook account. Through this, Facebook wants to tell you that there has been a problem on Facebook and now you need to check your privacy settings once again so that there is no further problem in the future. After this message, Facebook will automatically sign Facebook login from all your devices and sites. Then Facebook will arrange your account according to their new data sharing policy. However, depending on the default sorting of Facebook, you can control the data sharing parts of your account by following the steps below.


Visit Apps and Website Settings

From that link to the mentioned news feed and from your own Facebook settings, go to the Apps and Website Settings page. Here you can see which websites and apps you have registered with your Facebook account. If you want to come to this page, click the App Settings link directly or go to the Settings> Apps & Websites option from the Facebook website. From the smartphone first go to the Hamburger menu and go to the Settings option and from there, go to Apps> Logged in with Facebook settings.

Here you will see the list of websites and apps registered from your account in the Active tab. Check them out well. If none of these are needed and if you do not recognize one of them, then click on the checkbox next to the entries and click the Remove button and delete those websites and apps from your account. And if you do not need to refrain from logging anywhere with Facebook account elsewhere.


What have you shared so much?

Click on the View and Edit link in your apps and website list, if you are suspected of an app or website, you will see detailed information about that entry.

You can test the key information shared by your account from here. You can check the permissions that you do not like from settings if you want to use the app or website. In general, it is best to keep away your friend list information, timeline tune, status updates, events, etc. from sharing these apps and websites. In this way, you can check each and every active apps and website and make settings.


Apps and Sites Removing

You will receive this payment when removing any sites and apps from the Active List. Deleting apps and sites from the list will delete your account activities from that app and the site. At the same time, if you have any tunes, pictures or other information related to these apps or sites related to your Facebook account, you can delete them completely by ticking the box below.


Removed Confirmation

After removing any sites and apps in this method, you will get this confirmation screen. Here you will delete the sites and apps on Facebook time according to the number of apps and site.


Check Expired Tabs

The Expired Tab is next to the active tab. Click here to leave and leave. Here are the list of apps and websites that you can see, all the apps and site listings opened with your account, whose login information has expired. You also remove them one by one. Because they will not be useful at all. But if it is connected to your account, then there is a danger. You can also see what information you have shared with them by clicking on the View and edit link below each entry, just like the Active tab.


Check the Removed Tab

The last tab of this option is Removed. Here you can see all the apps and websites that have been deleted by you. If you suspect any entry, click on the View Details link below to find out more about it.


Turn off third-party apps and websites forever

If you want to keep your Facebook account safe in the Nuclear Security, you can stop using all third-party apps and websites with your Facebook account. For this, go to the desktop, in the settings menu, from there go to the Apps Websites page and scroll down to the bottom. Apps, Websites, and Games. It's called Turned On below. Now click on the Edit button as shown in the diagram. There will be a pop-up.

From here you can close the service by clicking the Turn Off button. From now on, any data and information from your Facebook account will not be shared with any third party app and site. But at the same time, you can no longer log in or register with a new Facebook account or a Facebook account (which should not be done).


Games and App Notification (Optional)

On the Apps and Websites page, you will find another box on the right, named Game and App Notifications. Come here. Click the Edit button. A pop-up box will appear, from where you click on the Turn Off button, you can stay away from annoying game request notifications from your friend list in your Facebook account. There is no issue of data sharing here, but because of me, it is a bit annoying to share the thing with you.


Please read the full data policy

Please read the new data sharing policy completely. So Facebook can learn a lot about how to use your account data. Although it is not known what is going on Mark Zuckerberg's head! Click here to read the full data policy.



This is how you check the permissions of your Facebook account and apps. Here you can find out what you are sharing or doing. If there are any counter-reverse apps or sites, delete them immediately. We use the option "sign up using Facebook" to avoid trouble in signing up for various games or sites at different times. This means that the site or the app receives one type of access to our Facebook account. For the first time, to prevent the app from manually tuning the app or the site itself, it can secretly steal data and information from our account. So I am repeating the article again if you do not need to refrain from using Facebook accounts on any games, apps, and sites.
Today is the end here. If you have any questions about the article, please put it in the comment box below. In the future, you will be able to come up with any other topic on your favorite technology blog. Thanks for reading the article.
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