The things that are due to the technology and the internet are on the way to extinction today

Hope you all are well. Today's writing on technology discussions. From today 15-20, we used a lot of essential things in our way of life, many of which have already been extinct and many are on the way to extinction.

The things that are due to the technology and the internet are on the way to extinction today

Yes, there are some things that are the subject of today's discussion on extinction due to technology and the Internet today. Now we have seen one of those things because of the fierce state of technology and the growing power of the Internet.


1. Public Phone:

We all know that in 1876 Alexander Grahambell invented the telephone. But if you do not know the first public phone was established in 1878. In 1878, in the presence of a helper, public phones were set up in the hotel lobby, railway station, any populated market. After finishing the first customer call, the money was given to the assistants. But it is not possible to call a phone this time, and it is annoying. Coin-operated public phones were established from this point of view in 1889. First posting and then a free pay public phone was launched in 1898, which was named No. 5 Coin collector. The first street public phone was established in 1905. Launched in 1950, the 3-slot dial public phone, which had the advantage of making phone caller 10 paisa coins, nickel metal coins and coins made of coins. Slowly it became popular and millions of public phones spread around the world. The picture below is not familiar with the public phone.
But so popular public phones today are almost extinct almost. One of the reasons for this is the arrival and expansion of the Internet. As a result of the expansion of the Internet, email, social media, voice chat applications, after that the mobile phone has been contacted by the clock. If we have a cell phone, why would we talk to the public on the street? On the way to the extinction of the public phone due to the latest invention of technology and technology.
But public phone makers are willing to wait until the end user. So maybe we will see a little more but this public phone.


2. Cassette and CD:

The cassette was the only one to hear our songs long ago. See here today there is no cassette. CDs, DVDs have taken place in the cassette. Many of these popular CDs and DVDs cannot hold their position. Due to the latest invention of technology, they are still on the verge of extinction. Now we look back a little bit. In 1958, RCA Victor discovered the first stereo cassette, whose size was 5 "x7" and it was pre-recorded so it was in vain. In 1962, Dutch-based company Phillips invented and marketed the first compact audio cassette. It was created by a quality 1/8 inch polyester tape. The record and playback speed was 1.7 / 8 inches per second. When the cassette gained fullness, it could playback at 30/45 minutes on both sides.

Then Philips and Sony joint efforts began in the mid-1970s. In 1982, the CD came in the joint effort of these two companies. After that, we saw the popularity of the CDs. The cassette was lost. Capture the CD market. This CD is almost extinct today. The capacity of the CD is 700 MIB and the time is about 80 minutes.

This time there is little to see why they are extinct. After the discovery of CDs and DVDs lost in the popular cassette space of the times. And now we listen to music online for the promotion of technology and the Internet, we see the movie. Listen to music on mobile, why buy the CD? And the latest connection to the technology is FM radio. World Now FM Radio triumph. One music station is now in the pocket of the people. For this reason, CDs, cassettes are on the way to extinction.


3. Rolodex:

Rolling and Index Matching Rolodex is a combination of two English words. This is a machine to store any data on which the information was placed on the paper or card and placed on this machine. Arnold Neustadter and Hildaur Neilsen discovered it in 1956 and first marketed it in 1958. At that time there was no virtual social network, no address book, smartphone, not online storage. But still people had the business and personal information, the need to enter the address, the public phone number should be kept in mind and much more such information should be remembered. And this information was written by people on paper and in the Rolodex.

This device is extinct today due to technology and the internet. Today we have many measures to store information including mobile phones, smartphones, notebooks, tabs, card holders, online storage. These are the history of this device called Rolodex.


4. Encyclopedia:

We will understand this as a reference book, with full knowledge of knowledge, Encyclopedia has existed for nearly 2000 years. The modern encyclopedia was modernized from the dictionary in the 17th century. The universe was generally stored in one or more volumes. Encyclopedia Britannica and Encyclopedia Universal ilustrada Europeo-Americana Multiple volumes are stored in Encyclopedia. In 1751 Encyclopedia discovered the German citizen Denis Diderot and Jon Le Rond D'Alembert.

This encyclopedia based volume is now almost in the museum. Now we can read this encyclopedia on the computer's name as Wikipedia. The more interesting thing is that anyone can add new information to it. In 2001, Wikipedia started its journey. By the year 2009, there are a total of 10 million articles in 250 languages, including 3 million English articles, today's Wikipedia. Meanwhile, the encyclopedia has already appeared as a CD and DVD holder. Through online, we are getting close to our hands. So why buy volume? This Encyclopedia is almost extinct today.


5. Category ads in the journal:

In recent years, we have seen lots of advertisements in the newspaper titled Jobs, Tuition, House rent, Purchase, and Sales etc. in different categories. Such advertisements were seen in every newspaper. The magazine office received any profits from such advertisements. And now this classified aid is not nearly the same. Because of the spread of the Internet and technology. 

Today most ads have gone on to the corporate website. A new version of Banner Ed. F.M. There is a lot of advantages in promoting and promoting products through the radio, on the website, through social media. The e-commerce website has also been created for purchase and sale. And the reason for this is about the extinction of classified ads.


6. Disposable Camera:

In 1949, A. D. Weir discovered the disposable camera. Initially, it was sold as a photo-pack. The original film would have been installed. After that 35mm film came in the market, with which it was photographed. After filming the film processed the film and outputs the film. Then Fujifilm, Konica, Canon, Nikon, and many other companies used to market the Dissociated Cameras. In the 1990s, the camera gained a lot of popularity. Seagull photo users, it used to be used more at home.

But this once popular camera has lost their market to a more advanced camera with a digital camera, SLR. And after the latest smartphones of different companies came in, the tomb of the disposable camera was composed.


7. Yard sale:

The yard sale was also called a number of names such as patio sale, rummage sale, tag sale, lawn sale, attic sale, moving sale, garbage sale, thrift sale, or junk sale. In Bengal, we understand the meaning of things used by the old and the fair The arrangement to sell them together is appropriate. In the sales system, the seller is not required to license. Sellers usually show these pedestrians or those who want to buy such things. They chose a garage, car park, roads, house courtyard as a selling point. Clothing, toys, books, furniture, house-to-house items, sporting goods, etc. in the list of products sold.

This method of selling was very popular in many countries around the world. But today's time has changed. This style is almost extinct. The main reason is the Internet. This type of sales system is not organized by an e-commerce website, due to social media marketing. So there is not enough time left for this method to become extinct.


8. Payment of bill in line:

As a result of urbanization, more and more bills of electricity, gas, WASA, telephone bill, etc. were introduced. In these cases, even a few years ago, we saw the helpless scenes of bills standing on the line after a long line. It was difficult to find people who did not get bills or were not victims of suffering.

But technology has given people comfort for the world. Today does not have to pay the bill in line. All bills to be introduced online in the world. Some countries which are somewhat lagging behind in technology, the system may not be fully operational yet. But this can be said in a word that before the bill, standing in line, these rules will be completely abolished.


9. Take a tour with a map:

If the human remains a little longer at the end of the racket and hawkish work in the lifespan, many people want to visit their favorite places. If we plan to go to an unknown location, then the first thing we need to do is to go safely to the destination on the go. In this case, the only guide was the route map, which can be seen in the destination. Time has changed so much. The map has been canceled by this handwriting at our Google Map. It is possible to travel around the world using internet connectivity, which is useful for the internet. There is no need to take paper maps to hand.


10. Book version of Yellow Pages:

Yellow pages are business related telephone directories. This is the Yellow Pages. It was named in 1883. In 1886 Reuben H Donnelley prepared the first official Yellow page. This book is not being used today in terms of technology and the Internet. The Internet has given us the opportunity to connect with the world. So, this book of huge size does not work to increase its burden. One day, this useful book will be sure to go to the museum.


11. Answering Machine:

Answering machine can be called a few such as answerphone, the message machine, telephone answering machine (TAM). A device that calls a phone caller, after ringing some rings, sends a message to the caller, then the caller starts recording his speech, the speech is recorded on the device and later heard. It is a tape answering machine that records and plays the voice. Valdemar Poulsen discovered it in 1898. This device was called a Poulsen device for recording telephone conversions. There were two types of this device: One is Two Cassette Nissar Machine and Single Cassette Nasar Machine.

In this era of technology, the machine completely abolished. The latest mobile phones to listen to the voice, there are many ways to talk online, which I discussed. So how is the answering machine?


12. Fax Machine:

telecopying, telefax, fax, how we say we are less familiar with this machine. The Scottish mechanic Alexandar Bain invented the fax machine in 1843. After fully developing, we could easily get the printed paper and printed text from one place to another, with the help of this machine. This machine used the telecommunication system through its work.

Even if not completely, the device is still lost on the way Without the city-based need only, it is no longer used anymore. Its the only e-mail address E-mail has occupied the fax space due to the hassle of hassle-free, fast-tracked and fast communication. Once this fax machine will become history


13. Teletext:

Teletext or broadcasting Teletext is a televised information service. This was first created by a designer John Adams in the United Kingdom in the early 1970's. Teletext's work was to show text and pictures on the equally equipped television screen. The first news, the TV program schedule, and the weather news were broadcast. The first telecentre was done by BBC in 1973. However, when the digital television was fully discovered, the machine was eradicated. Never seen this device.


14. Read the newspaper by purchasing:

In the 8th century, a Chinese citizen, Kaiyuan Za Bao discovered the newspaper, according to Wikipedia's information. We have read the newspaper requirements at the school level. So do not discuss its requirements. The newspaper was printed on paper. But the demand for newspapers printed on paper is declining day by day. Because of the lack of paper and the spread of the Internet. 

Now there is almost every newspaper online version. In the context of our country, a month's magazine is available for a price of Tk 250. Getting 1 magazine And if you spend Tk 250 online then you can read all the newspapers in the world. So why buy and read the newspaper. It is not too late to come in a day when the newspapers printed on paper will disappear at once.


15. PDA (Personal Digital Assistant):

It can be called a Palmtop computer or personal data assistant. It is a mobile device. There is an Internet connection on the same smartphone-like device with an electronic visual display. There is an internet connection through WiFi. Mostly, the display touch screen is in most cases.

In 1984 it was the first release. It was first used in 1992 by the CEO of Apple Computer. However, nowadays the latest smartphone has been reduced due to its use. And if this happens, one day it will have to leave the earth.

The things that are due to the technology and the internet are on the way to extinction today

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